
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre, 2022

World Childless Week 2022 - Celebrate Us: A Community Project

Here's a beautiful community project designed and put together by the World Childless Week ambassador Michael Hughes to celebrate the World Childless Week 2022. I'm happy to have taken part in the recording of this video.

World Childless Week 2022: Childlessness in the Workplace panel

How do we start the conversation about childlessness in the workplace, how do we bring the needs of the childless employees to the employer's attention? We share some insights here.  Thank you, Stephanie Joy Phillips and the World Childless Week for raising these very important issues. I hope you enjoy the video.


Here we are, it's the World Childless Week 2022 next week!  From the 12th to 18th of September, there're many different online events, totally free to attend. Welcome to everyone who belongs to the childless community and also those who would like to better understand what the childless life is like. Here are some of the topics that will be covered. See more details on the links: Our Stories Therapy as a Therapist; the Highs, the Lows and all the Insights In Between Childless and Single The disenfranchised grief no one is talking about; I'm single and never tried to conceive. Am I really grieving? Boosting Our Confidence as Childless Singles Being Childless in the Workplace, we go Workplace Woke Downunder Navigating Networking Employers and Policies: How to bring Childlessness into the Conversation How do you know my childlessness is part of God’s plan, did he text or have you Zoomed? Childlessness and Pets: Celebrating our Unique and Worthy Relationships Pronatalism may be