
World Childless Week 2022: Childlessness in the Workplace panel

How do we start the conversation about childlessness in the workplace, how do we bring the needs of the childless employees to the employer's attention? We share some insights here.  Thank you, Stephanie Joy Phillips and the World Childless Week for raising these very important issues. I hope you enjoy the video.


Here we are, it's the World Childless Week 2022 next week!  From the 12th to 18th of September, there're many different online events, totally free to attend. Welcome to everyone who belongs to the childless community and also those who would like to better understand what the childless life is like. Here are some of the topics that will be covered. See more details on the links: Our Stories Therapy as a Therapist; the Highs, the Lows and all the Insights In Between Childless and Single The disenfranchised grief no one is talking about; I'm single and never tried to conceive. Am I really grieving? Boosting Our Confidence as Childless Singles Being Childless in the Workplace, we go Workplace Woke Downunder Navigating Networking Employers and Policies: How to bring Childlessness into the Conversation How do you know my childlessness is part of God’s plan, did he text or have you Zoomed? Childlessness and Pets: Celebrating our Unique and Worthy Relationships Pronatalism may be

Let's talk Attitudes to Childlessness in Different Cultures

LIVE BROADCASTS ARE BACK! We're happy to invite you to our new live broadcast where we continue speaking about childlessness. This Friday, September 17, at 5 pm CEST, we'll be discussing the attitudes to childlessness in different cultures. Here's our amazing panel: Cristina Archetti, Professor in Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Oslo; Co-Founder of the Norwegian association for childless women, and the author of the book “Childlessness in the Age of Communication: Deconstructing Silence”, Norway Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Founder at Connecting Differences LLC, Inclusion Facilitator, Expert in Intercultural Communication, Licensed Clinical Professional Counsellor, USA Palo Barker, Ex-Banker and Audit Manager, and Entrepreneur, UK Sandra McNicol, Life Coach working with childless not by choice women, Spain Anna Lundin (AL), member of the Swedish network for permanently childless women, Sweden The guests will speak on four general topics: 1. Parent

Gli "ORBI-tali". Senza nome, senza voce. Senza figli.

Come ha notato Giorgio M. Ghezzi, l'autore del libro "No, non abbiamo figli. L'amore ai tempi dell'infertilità ", nella lingua italiana non esiste una parola per identificare le persone senza figli. Nei secoli lontani si usava la parola "orbo (-a)" che significava una persona priva di qualcosa o qualcuno. Guardiamo il dizionario:  orbo [òr-bo] Aggettivo: 1. Privo del senso della vista. 2. Privo, privato di una cosa o di una persona cara: stette la spoglia immemore (Manzoni); è rimasto orbo del figlio. Sostantivo: 1. Chi è privo della vista, cieco. 2. Persona senza senno, senza giudizio. Impressionante! Le persone senza figli le si immaginavano come tali da avere una disabilità oppure da non avere un giudizio. Infatti, non esiste la terminologia per i concetti di essere senza figli per scelta, non per scelta, per l'infertilità, per aver perso un figlio o una figlia, per non aver trovato un partner giusto, per non essere stato pronto economicamente, p

May 27, 4 pm CEST: YouTube live stream "Childless people in the society and in the workplace"

LINK TO FOLLOW THE BROADCAST : Join us on May 27, at 4 PM CEST / 10 AM EST

Friend or foe?

  Recently, I've asked a wise lady and my role model about how to maintain friendships with girlfriends who are mothers. When you are childless and all of your close friends are mothers, and your siblings are parents, too. You sincerely love them, and you're happy for them from the bottom of your heart. But you have a battle going inside of you: you love to hear about their children, since they are such a great part of their lives, but at the same time, it's often hard for you. You have a lot in common that you can talk about, but you feel that if your friends are not allowed to talk about their kids, so as not to hurt you, your communication is not as rich, profound and sincere as it used to be. Here's what she said: "Intimacy and honesty are the same thing". When you start feeling it hard to be honest with your friends, you start losing intimacy. So, gradually you might begin to "ghost" such friendship: stop answering the calls, avoid meetings, and